BRP – 6/18/21
Been a busy 2 weeks again. The full train is finally starting
to get going. All steps of construction have been implemented. Hole 4 is ready
for capillary concrete on 6/18 and sod and completion on 6/22. Holes 5&6 are shaped, and
drainage is being installed. Capillary concrete, sand, and sod will be complete on those holes by late next week. #7 & #3,2,17 is being shaped. From there we
hope to go to 1,8,9,18, and then 10-16. We hope to begin completing 2-3 holes a week starting June 21st till significant completion on Sept. 3rd. We will be sodding roughly
30,000-35,000 ft of sod next week, and that trend will continue for the next 10
Lots of dirt, pipe, wires, drain tile, concrete, sand, and
sod moving around.
G&G continues to cut back oleanders from the cart paths,
we are currently cutting back along the 13th. G&G also continues in-house landscaping of
the deserts. Apart from a couple construction areas, 80 % of the front nine has
been planted. We will begin landscaping on the week of June 21 on the 18th tee area. G&G began installing the fans this week in anticipation of
the humidity /monsoon. In addition, G&G is combining the blue and white tee
on #5. Between the BRP and our in-house projects, there is a lot of big things
Plate packing floor of bunker #4
Rerouting irrigation lines around new fairway bunker #4
The backside of #6 green. Bunker and trees removed. Approach cut will be added to combine 7 black, blue, and white tees to 6 approach with expanded overseed.
Sodding removed fairway bunker on 1st bunker on right.
Sodding complete. Fairway will move to the right where the old bunker was.
Bunker behind #7 being filled in and graded.
Exit drain lines being run from bunkers
Amount of soil being cut and lowered behind #7 Green. All irrigation has to be cut and lowered as well.
#7 with the bunker on right fairway bunker removed about 50 yards short of the green. Approach and overseed line will be moved up the hill to the right to create a much bigger approach.
Desert vegetation installed with contrasting walk path on #3
#6 Front right green bunker completed shaping
#4 front green bunker completed shaping
#4 with 2nd right fairway bunker removed and sodded and new fairway bunker on the left.
Drainage being marked out inside bunker
Drainage being marked out inside bunker

Interior Drainage being laid out
Interior drainage completed inside the bunker and ready for capillary concrete
#5 Green shaping completed. Left and back bunker removed. Front right bunker reshaped.
Back of #6 green with removed bunker
#7 Right fairway bunkers being rough shaped
#6 new fairway bunker on the right.
New green tee being added on #7
The collateral damage of digging - cut through 64 wires coming out of satellite clock. All is repaired and good to go.
#5 Blue and white tee being combined. Ready for sod. These tees will also be mowed into the back of #4 at approach height. This will be additional overseeding
Opened up an old green sump prior to the 2016 GRP to use for a bunker drain. Discovered the greens sump was not a sump but only a 3-foot tall venting pipe with nowhere for the water to go. Thus the old drain was backing up water into the green before the GRP in 2016. Unfortunately, this will not even work to drain the new bunker.

Fan post on #14 being reinstalled for summer.
#7 Green front left bunker being shaped with completed grading in the back.
New fairway bunker on #2 rough shaped
Capilary Concrete being poured into transport truck
Capilary concrete being placed into #4 Green Bunker
Spreading capilary concrete. Black pipe and flags are depth markers for liner
Capilary concrete trouled and rolled