The agronomy department continues to repair weak areas around the course, which should wrap up next week. A "bio barrier" was installed around 6 green to help prevent the large amount of roots in the area from encroaching into the greens cavity. During core-out it was discovered that the roots inside the greens cavity on 6 was extensive. The area separating 8 green and 9 tee was also stripped and reshaped, which should improve aesthetics and freshen up that area of the course. A large velvet mesquite was installed behind 18 green to help soften the area as well as provide immediate shade for golfers exiting 18 green.
18 green being filled with greens mix. |
Final grade work being finished on 16 tee, where the tees were leveled and combined. |
The area between the tees was built up and softened, and the black tee top raised 12 inches. |
Finished tee complex following installation of sod. |
Retention area on 4 is being stripped in preparation for next week. |
Example of some of the roots located inside 6 green. |
Root barrier installed around 6 green. The little dots in the fabric contain a slow-degrading herbicide which prevents roots from penetrating the fabric. The barrier was installed 19" deep. |
Back-filling the trench that contains the root barrier. |
The new mesquite required the big guns be brought out to transport and plant. |
Finished planting of mesquite tree behind 18 green. Should help soften the area and provide immediate shade for golfers exiting 18 green. |
Salvador Medina getting the first roll on the practice greens today. Once smoothed and filled in a little more, we should be able to get our first cut. |