June 2018
Transition from our cool season turf to our warm season turf
is in full bloom. We are seeing a vast amount of Bermuda grass filling in all
around the course with a few slower areas that will need additional attention.
We will continue to address problem areas throughout the summer. Ryegrass currently
remains throughout the golf course as our transitional herbicide is still slowly
removing the overseeded areas. The remainder of the ryegrass should dissipate
by the end of June.
With the Bermuda recovering and filling in, we will begin
our summer cultural practices. These practices can be intrusive to the golfer,
but are much needed practices to continue to improve the health and playability
of the course. We will continue to aerify, verti-cut, de-thatch, and top-dress
for the next several weeks. We hope to complete the bulk of our summer cultural
practices by the end of July to early August. The following is our tentative
schedule for the upcoming weeks. Weather, equipment, and unforeseen
circumstances can change the schedule if necessary.
Week of:
June 10 – Aerify roughs
June 18 – Verticut/Dethatch/Top-dress – Aprons and
June 18 – Aerify green mounds / Finish Roughs
June 25 – Verticut/Dethatch/Top-dress – Tees
June 25 – Verticut / Dethatch Roughs
June 25 – Contract tree trimming begins
July 2 – July 30 – Verticut / Dethatch / Aerify / Top-dress
– Fairways
July 9 – Aerify roughs 2nd pass
You may have noticed around the putting green some grass
turning a white color. We have begun to use a new herbicide to control Bermuda
encroachment into the collars/greens. We have been carefully experimenting with
this product over the last year and have seen positive results. In mid-May we treated
a 20-foot section on the chipping greens and saw satisfactory results. After 2
weeks of monitoring we have now applied the same product to the outside edge of
the collar on both the putting and chipping greens. We continue to see the
desired results thus far and hope that it will continue to prove a valuable
tool to keeping Bermuda out of the cool season bentgrasss / rye collars. The
36” collars are meant to provide a buffer to keep the Bermuda out of the
putting surface which has proven to be challenging at times. We have altered
our approach to maintaining the cool season collars for much of the past year to
create a healthier barrier from the Bermuda grass and help the bent/rye survive
the adverse summer conditions. So far, we have seen success with the changes
but the true test will come during the monsoon months as dew points, humidity,
and soil temperatures rise significantly.
The greens continue to mature and create a higher density
canopy. We are seeing roots as deep as 11” and thick masses of fibrous roots in
the 8-9 in range. This a very healthy spot to be in for the greens as we head
towards the adverse summers conditions. Since aerification, the greens have
slowed down to the 10.5-11 stimp range. We do anticipate them slowing down to
the 9-10 range as monsoon season progresses. This is done in the best interest
of preserving the health of the greens and ensuring survival during the summer
We have now completed the in-house tree trimming and are
moving on to some other drainage and leveling projects. Several small drains
have been added to #4 approach, #12, #14. A large depression has been leveled
on #12 as well. There are several more areas that we plan to address throughout
the summer before fall overseed. In addition, we have begun to sod some poor
areas under trees, high traffic areas by cart paths, and bunker faces.
An additional project that has begun is the removal of the
cart path yardage plaques adhered to the top of the cart paths. We have begun
cut into the concrete and submerge them flush into the concreate. Plaques were
continuously coming loose and / or damaged to cart and equipment traffic. This
will take some time to complete among all the cultural practices and projects.
Our goal is to finish before overseed. So far #7 and #8 have been completed.
Once again, we appreciate your patience and support as we
work to provide the best playing conditions to the Membership year-round. If
you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out and we hop you enjoy
your summer wherever you may be.
#1 Bunker before
#1 Bunker after
Sod along #6 cart path under large pine trees
Planting tree #8
Large depression #12 cart exit point
Level depression #12 cart exit point
Juan aerifying rough
Plugs to expect from rough aerifying
Drain #1 fairway
Bermuda grass suppression in collars
Cart path plaque submerged in concrete