Jose working on scalping the green surrounds. |
Multiple vacuums helped clean up the debris left by the rough mower around greens. |
Filemon getting the first pass on fairways. |
After the first pass, the debris was blown into a windrow and vacuumed up. |
Francisco working on the second pass on fairways. |
Again, after the second pass the debris is blown into a windrow. |
Juan working on vacuuming behind the second pass on fairways. |
Beautiful morning to start scalping number 18. |
Juan and Salvador cleaning up the final pass on 18 fairway. |
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. In this case, that someone is Filemon. |
Number 1 complete and ready for seed Monday morning. Colors will be inverse before long, with ryegrass in the fairways and dormant bermudagrass in the rough. |
The walk seeding crew getting loaded up with more seed on #3. Many miles were walked Monday. |
Expect heavy water over the next couple of weeks as we get the seed to germinate and fill in. |